Application Process
- For New Applications please ask the College for the application form. See also the Course Flyers for more information.
- Before completing the enrolment application, please check the Entry Requirements.
- Complete the application form and attach any relevant documentation, eg. academic transcript, evidence of English proficiency, details of work history, copy of passport.
- If applying for Transfer of Credit/RPL complete and attach to the application. Refer to Transfer of Credit/RPL policy on the Policy page
- Please ensure that you have read the ESOS Legislative Framework before submitting your application.
- Applications can be emailed to or posted to:
Student Services Officer,
693 Station Street
Box Hill
Victoria 3128,
Australia - If successful, you will be sent a letter of offer with further information and payment instructions.
- Your place is not guaranteed until an enrolment form is completed, an enrolment agreement signed, a student has submitted a copy of their Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) or Statement of Purpose (SOP) to the college for approval before paying their enrolment fee of $1,000.00 AUD and the enrolment fee paid. Should you have any grievance regarding fee payment or any other matter, Hays International College has a process for resolving such matters. Students can also pursue further action through the Australian legal system.
Selection and Enrolment Procedure
- All enrolment applications from International Students are received and assessed by the student administration. The student assessment process at HIC is conducted ethically and responsibly. Entry requirements are in accordance with all Australian and Victorian Equal Opportunity regulations.
- Enrolment applications will not be accepted without appropriate supporting documentation. All international students are required to submit the following with their application form:
- Evidence of English proficiency
- Any other supporting information, such as previously attained qualifications.
- Year 12 Completion Certificate
Note: – All documents that are attached with the application form other than English must be accompanied and translated into English by the NAATI-National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters Ltd.
For further details please refer to
3. Mature aged entry – that is, applicants who will have achieved the age of twenty-one years before 1 January of the year of prospective entry, with relevant work experience (evidence of prior work or life experience in an area related to the course)
- an applicant who has at least two years of documented professional work experience: (detailing the nature and duration of the work undertaken, the level of responsibility and references from employers
carried out in the medium of English and
- undertaken within two years of the application to enrol to study a course offered by HIC
4. The PEO confirms acceptance of the level of English Proficiency and a CoE can then be issued.
5. A copy of the above English Proficiency Test score and other supporting documents are placed in the student’s files.
6. All original documents of English Proficiency, documents of Academic qualifications in English Medium or accompanied by NAATI translated will be verified at Orientation.
Assessing the level of a student’s English Proficiency during the HIC placement test
- The responses to the placement test are aligned to the Australian Core Skill Framework (ACSF )
- The demonstrated competence as indicated in the Assessment Test tasks is also mapped against the performance criteria from ESL Frameworks, which provides the equivalent proficiency of ACSF in English with ISLPR, IELTS, PTE, and the ESL Frameworks.
- The results of the placement test act as a guide to the staff at HIC as to the student’s ability to engage in the course in which they have intended to enrol and require any additional support for completing their studies.
- There is no fee attached to the English support for students.

Any enquiries?
We are here to help
ABN:92121 046 599; ACN:121 046 599
CRICOS- 02790D. Provider Number 21838.
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