Courses Offered
HIC offers the following accredited and nationally recognised qualifications to International students
Aged Care and Leisure & Health
Aged Care is a growth industry focused on meeting the needs of an increasingly aged population. The Aged Care courses offered by Hays train in personal care, while the Leisure and Health courses offer diversional therapy.
Apart from learning in a classroom environment, courses also include:
- Group work
- Supervised on the job experience
- Excursions
- Self paced learning
- Work placement for Hospitality, Aged Care and Leisure and Health students
AQF Qualifications
Hays International College (HIC) will issue an AQF qualification only when a student has completed and assessed as meeting the requirements of the training product as specified in the relevant training package or VET accredited course with a Testamur and a record of results. Students completing assessment requirements for part of a qualification will be awarded with a Statement of Attainment indicating units of competency they have completed.
HIC will only issue these AQF certifications after verifying a student’s Unique Student Identifier (USI) number.HIC will issue these AQF certifications within 30 calendar days of the student’s final assessment being completed providing all fees have been paid by the student for the course completed.